is an introductory programming course designed specifically for system
and network administrators.
will learn generally-applicable programming concepts and techniques
using the Python programming language.
an introduction to fundamental programming principles the students will
write software to automate deployment and configuration tasks over a
Learning Outcomes
Design algorithms to solve simple problems which require
input/output, conditions, and loops.
Design and implement functions in order to avoid code duplication,
while avoiding the use of global variables.
Read and write data from/to plain-text and binary files.
Write code that handles expected and unexpectederrors during
Use a programming languagedebugger to speed up locating errors in
the code.
Learning Outcomes II
Apply knowledge of established and new development tools to write
deployable code efficiently.
Automate deployment and configuration tasks using a scripting
language with a configuration management tool.
Assess, select, and use appropriate tools and techniques to develop
and maintain administrative scripts and task automation.
Provide clear and accurate documentation and comments in the source
Course Evaluation
Labs and quizzes: 20%
Labs(8): 10%
Quizzes (4): 10%
Assignments (2): 30%
Midterm Assessment: 20%
Final Assessment: 30%
Promotion Requirements
You must:
Achieve a weighted average of 50% or better on the two tests
(midterm and final).
Satisfactory complete all assignments. Not Labs!
Achieve a grade of 50% or better on the overall course.
Class Format
In your schedule, you will see 2 classes of 2 hours each. Normally,
we would have 1 lab period and 1 lecture period. Our lectures will be
video lectures, available over Zoom. The second scheduled class will be
our tutorial. This will have more examples, walkthroughs, and I will be
online during that time for questions, help and support, etc. I will
record lectures for those who miss the scheduled classes.
It’s a good time to be working on labs and assignments. I will
present examples/walkthroughs, and practice questions that will aid you
in understanding lab/assignment concepts. Afterwards will be lab time.
If you are working on labs during this time, you can get help from me
very quickly.
Online Lectures
The video lectures will cover concepts from the lab in a more
comprehensive format. (That is, we take a look at the overall concept
rather than rehashing individual bits of code). Prepare for the class by
reading/reviewing assigned readings, which include text, lab
instruction, and slides before class.
Electronic copies of both can be accessed on Blackboard and available
online as well.
Check the weekly schedule to find out the chapters from each book as
assigned reading. Reading those chapters before each week’s lecture will
help you understand the lectures and to complete the labs.
Lab Environment Setup
Requirement for the course: a Linux development environment with git
and Python 3.11.
I recommend creating a VM where you can install a code editor like
VS Code.
Instructions can be found on the Wiki.
GitHub Setup
Create a GitHub account
Generate a public/private keypair for each computer you
will use for labs
Copy your public key and paste it into your GitHub:
Click on profile -> Settings -> GPG & SSH Keys
Lab Submission
Once you finish the course introduction quiz:
Click on the lab link from Blackboard, and accept
Click the green Code button on the repository
landing page.
Specify SSH.
Copy the URL to your clipboard.
Lab Submission
Run git clone from your terminal and paste the link
from GitHub.
Follow Wiki instructions to create your files.
Run the Lab Check script for each lab to make sure that you complete
all the required tasks.
Labs are submitted on GitHub. Follow instructions to push your code
back into the repository.
Practical Quizzes
The labs will also prepare you for the practical quizzes. These
quizzes can be considered “open book.” You may use class notes, and the
Python interpreter.
However sharing answers is not permitted.
Two types of questions may appear in each quizzes:
Coding Questions: You will be asked to write or debug and fix a
script based on given details. You are allowed to use your VM to work
out the answer to this type of questions.
Decoding Questions: You will be given a piece of Python code and you
have to figure out what it does. You will be asked a few questions to
test your understanding of the given piece of Python code. For example:
if you run the python code with a command line argument “ABCD”, what
will be the expected output?
The exact date for the first quiz will be announced at least one
week before the scheduled date.
Assignments are based off concepts and lessons learned from the
lectures, the labs, and the weekly assigned reading.
Don’t be afraid to ask your professor if you have any questions
about the assignments.
There are two mandatory assignments, 15% each.
Files will be provided over GitHub, and GitHub will be used for
Assignments must use code that is within scope for the course
material. Code that is outside the scope of what you learned will
be given a grade of zero.
I may ask you to undergo a code review. If you fail (or fail to
attend) code review, you will only be able to score a maximum of
Creating Backups!
You are responsible for backing up your work in this class! This
includes your
VM, and any lab work, python scripts, and assignments you’ve
Fortunately, this is what GitHub is for.
Commit your work after every significant change!!
Course Policies
Getting Help/Asking Questions
Email Etiquette
Late Policy
Missed Tests/Quizzes Policy
Academic Integrity Policy
Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy
A Final Note
Getting Help
Having problems? No
problem, that’s normal!
Talk to me during class (after any scheduled assessments, demos, or
Send me an email (please be patient, I usually respond within 24
Bring it up during tutorial! This would be a great time to explain
the concept!
Getting Help
When you ask your question, include:
What you’re trying to do (not just “lab 3”)
What result you’re expecting
What result you’re getting (including error messages)
What you’ve already tried to fix your problem.
Include your error message!
Please remember
Asking Questions About The Course
Check These Introduction
Slides First!!
If your question is answered in these slides, I will not respond
to your email.
your question isn’t in these slides, please ask during class.
Asking Questions About An Assessment
Quizzes are designed to check your comprehension, and are useful for
preparing for the big tests! I will always provide feedback.
Check your codespace repository for a file called
result.txt OR check on Blackboard
If you believe there’s a problem with the score I gave you,
be prepared to demonstrate that your answer is
returning the correct result.
Unsolicited emails asking for marks without cause
will be ignored
📭 Email Etiquette 🙄
Yes, apparently this is
Please tell me what section you are in.
Please keep your message brief. You should include your
request/question in the subject line.
Please review the course introduction slides and
announcements before you send an email.
Don’t use an LLM to generate your message. What it
communicates to me if that you don’t actually care about whatever you’ve
asked it to excrete words about. (If you did care, you would spend time
writing the email yourself).
If you don’t receive a reply, the answer to whatever you asked is
NO or Come to class and we’ll figure it
“How do I get better at programming?”
learn by doing!
Don’t just watch examples, copy them.
Take an example, and modify it. See what happens.
Later on, take a tedious/boring task and automate it.
(Refer to Automate the Boring Stuff for ideas!)
Lab Marks
To receive full marks for labs, they must be completed and submitted
by their due dates as posted on Blackboard (excepting the first
Your labs have a Check script.
If all tests pass, you receive full marks.
If less than 100% of tests pass, the lab is not yet complete.
Late Labs
Lab files can be submitted late for a maximum grade of 50%, but all
tests must pass.
If late labs are not 100% complete, they will get 0.
Late lab marks are updated after reading week, and at the end of
Late Assignments
On the deadline of a milestone, I will look at code that you’ve
committed on GitHub.
If you didn’t commit any code, you get zero.
Therefore, do as much as you can. Don’t leave things until the last
Assignment Final Submissions
To receive full marks for assignments, they must be completed and
submitted by their due dates as posted on the web site.
Late assignments are subject to 10% late penalty per school day.
Milestones must be submitted on time.
Both assignments must be completed in a satisfactory
manner, even if it is overdue and worth zero marks, to get the
credit for this course.
There are five quizzes this semester.
I will be dropping the lowest quiz mark.
The rest of the quizzes are worth 2.5%.
There are no makeups or second chances on quizzes, so don’t
bother emailing me.
If you miss one quiz, not to worry, it won’t affect your grade.
But you’ll have to be sure to write the next 4.
Missed Tests
If you are going to miss a scheduled test, Email me before
the assessment is scheduled to begin.
It doesn’t have to be a long email, just let me know what’s going
Provide valid supporting documentation before alternative arrangement
will be considered. Tests will require a make-up.
Academic Integrity Policy
This college (and course) have a zero tolerance
policy towards plaigiarism, infringement of any kind. The code you
submit needs to be your own.
Do not use or share completed code for labs, assignments, or
If you want to share example to help a classmate, make sure that it
is not directly from a lab or assignment.
Change what it does/how it works.
Sharing a line of code if okay. Do not share your
If you are using Github, your repository must be
Regarding LLMs Such As ChatGPT
Regarding LLMs
LLMs are a fine resource for experienced devs, because we
can evaluate and troubleshoot the solutions that ChatGPT provides.
Before you can evaluate and troubleshoot these solutions, you need
to practice solving easier problems.
This course provides you with this practice, but the problems we
train you on are easily solved with LLMs. In my experience, practice
problems are the only types of problems that LLMs excel at.
(Real life is messy).
And So
I will ask that you not use ChatGPT or similar LLMs during
the course. Try to solve the problems with your debugger and brain.
The process is the point!
LLM solutions are ineligible for points in the assignments and
tests. You will get zero.
Code that is out of scope will be given a grade of zero.
LLMs are not permitted in technical job interviews. If you can’t do
it honestly, you will lose opportunities.
Relying on ChatGPT means you will always be reliant on it, even
if it goes away!
Last Note
almost done! Your diploma, I mean (and these slides). At this point, you
should have figured out that:
Nobody actually cares about your GPA.
Haggling over percentages is kind of a waste of time.
Employers don’t trust the grades I give 🥲 because they know
students will try and cheat.
If Python is a part of the job description, they will give
you a whiteboard interview.
Users of LLMs do very poorly at these types of
However, candidates with a passion for learning, even if
they don’t get things perfect, will be highly sought after!
You are going to be solving new problems, with new
technologies, and thus your value will be measured by how well you
learn, not how well you regurgitate!
Ready? Set, Go…
Complete the quiz on Course Expectations
Get comfortable with Blackboard and bookmark the Wiki
Create a GitHub account and get started on Lab 1
Set up your development environment
Assigned Reading for Next Class
Think Python: Chapter 1 Automate the Boring Stuff with Python:
Chapter 1 and 2