This week we are introducing more iterable datatypes. Recall
that iterables contain multiple elements that can be looped
through with a for loop.
We will also discuss more ways of interacting with strings,
and introduce many new methods for strings.
a special function that ‘belongs’ to a particular datatype
Lists have many elements, can be combination of many datatypes
Can be changed with insert(), remove(), append() or pop() (removes
last item while also returning it)
Use index (starting at 0) to pick elements
Is the first datatype we’ve used which is mutable.
Object Mutability
Most datatypes we’ve worked with are immutable. That means
they cannot be changed (“mutated”) after creation.
The proof:
>>>> string_obj ='hi'# creates a string>>>>print(string_obj.upper()) # returns the string but UPPER CASEHI>>>>print(string_obj) # the original version is unchangedhi>>>> x =3# integers are also immutable>>>> x +14>>>> x # the original value of x unchanged3>>>> x = x +1# this is why we have to use x = x + 1 here, # we are creating a new version of x
Lists Are Different
Lists are mutable. Using a method will change them permanently.
>>>> mylist = [ 'dog', 'cat', 'aardvark' ]>>>> mylist.append('bat')>>>> mylist[ 'dog', 'cat', 'aardvark', 'bat' ]>>>> mylist.sort() # notice no need start with mylist = >>>> mylist['aardvark', 'bat', 'cat', 'dog' ]
New Datatype: Tuple
Tuples have many elements (like lists)
Tuples have an index (also like lists)
However, tuples are immutable (can’t be
Use ()
# A Tuple of one element:my_tup = ('capybara', )# More:my_tup2 = ('first', 'second')# Can't be changed, can only be createdmy_tup3 = my_tup + my_tup2
Applications of Tuples
Faster to access than lists
Data protection (subprocess.Popen)
Work for situations when something needs to be immutable
Datatype: Sets
Sets contain many elements
Cannot be sliced (no index numbers!)
Every element is unique
Can be modified, use add()
Use {}
>>>> myset = {'orange', 'blue', 'green'}>>>> myset.add('red') # can be modified>>>> myset.add('orange') # but duplicates are ignored!>>>> myset{'blue', 'green', 'orange', 'red'} # order isn't remembered, it's just a group of things
Applications Of Sets
Faster performance than a list
Often used for input validation
Consider whenever there is no inherent sort order
>>>> provs = {'AB', 'BC', 'SK', 'ON', 'QC', 'MN', 'PE', 'NL', 'NS', 'NB'}>>>>'AB'in provs # 'in' will see if an item exists inside of an iterableTrue>>>>'ON'in provsTrue>>>>'Alaska'in provsFalse
There we go, we have made a dictionary that behaves like a list! The
only difference is now we get to replace numbers with meaningful keys to
access our data!
Dictionaries: Keys And Values
Dictionary keys and values can be different data types, with some
Keys are immutable, and can’t be changed. Only created or
Values can be changed.
>>>> mydict = {'name': 'Chris', 'age': 42}>>>> mydict['age'] =43# changes value for existing key>>>> mydict['hobby'] ='hiking'# adds new key/value pair>>>> mydict{'name': 'Chris', 'age': 43, 'hobby': 'hiking'}
You can iterate through sets and tuples, just like a list!
You can iterate through a dictionary, but it’s different:
for key in my_dict: # iterating variable contains keyprint(key)print(my_dict[key]) # with the key, get the value# another methodfor k, v in my_dict.items(): # .items() will generate a tuple for each item in the dictionaryprint(k +': '+ v) # what is k, and what is v do you think?
String Slicing
By the way, strings are iterables as well. You can iterate through
them with a for loop. They have index numbers, just like lists. Here are
more ways of using index numbers:
Consider the string PYTHON
left-to-right: positive numbers
right-to-left: negative numbers
>>>> test ='PYTHON'>>>> test[3:-1]'HO'>>>> test[-5:] # leaving second number blank means slice includes to the end 'YTHON'>>>> test[:4] # leaving first number blank includes the beginning'PYTH'
String Methods
As discussed before, methods are functions that
belong to a particular variable that you create.
>>>> x ='hi'# create variable x, which is a string>>>> x.upper() # all strings contain a method called upper 'HI'
You know you’re dealing with a method when you see them start with a
dot (.).
Discovering Methods
Some Useful Methods
remove leading and trailing whitespace
convert a string into a list, by splitting on a delimiter
opposite of strip
opposite of split
do a substitution
return True if string starts with a substring
>>>> raw_data =' this is a test \n'>>>> raw_data.strip()'this is a test'