Lecture 5: Files and Exceptions

Eric Brauer

Introduction: File Operations

Being able to read and write files is probably one of the most important things you can do.

  • Writing to a file will allow to make data and settings persistent after your Python script has completed.
  • You can create files that can be imported into other programs for more polish (ex: CSV files imported into Excel)
  • Much of Linux configuration is done by modifying plaintext files in locations such as /etc as you have discovered in previous semesters.

In this course we will focus on plaintext files because they are a universal format. If you decided to, for example, write a Python script to work with a proprietary format such as .docx you will notice that it comes with a lot of pain!

File Operations

All file operations have (at least) three major components:

  • Create a file object. This will open a given filename, and prepare it for a file operation.
  • The file operation. Generally, either a read or a write.
  • Close the file. This secures the data in that file from corruption if something goes wrong. It also destroys the file object.

Creating A File Object

A file object requires a valid filename, and will open that filename for a specified operation: reading from, writing into, or append into.

f = open('datafile', 'r')  # f is your file object
  • In 99% of cases, when you are naming variables they should have a meaningful name. f breaks that rule, but since file operations are so common, any experienced Python programmer will know what it is referring to. Feel free to name it something else, if you like.
  • First argument 'datafile' is a filename relative to your currently running script. If you want to be extra safe, use an absolute filepath.
  • Second argument 'r' specifies that you are opening this file for a read operation. Note that the actual reading will only occur in the next step.

File Operation: Read

Now that we’ve created a file object called f, we can use one of its methods to read all data in the file and save it as a string.

The simplest method is to read a file, and save it to a string object. This will take all the data and combine into one string, regardless of how many lines there are.

f = open('datafile', 'r')
read_data = f.read()  # Read from file

Close The File

f = open('datafile', 'r')
read_data = f.read()  # Read from file

This closes the file. f will no longer be usable. While not technically necessary, it’s bad form to leave a file open. It can cause data corruption if things go wrong!

Reading Data: String to List

If the data we’ve read has multiple lines, we may want to take that string and convert it to a list. Making each line an item in the list is common. When data is read from a text file, the separate lines you see in vi are coded using an invisible control character, \n. We’ll use that to separate the string using the .split() method.

read_data = 'First line\nSecond line\nThird line\n'
list_of_lines = read_data.split('\n')
print(list_of_lines)  # ['First Line', 'Second line', 'Third line', '']  
# notice the empty string at the end! Why is this here?

Reading Data: List

We can also read data straight into a list object, bypassing that conversion. This leads to cleaner code and faster run times.

f = open('data.txt', 'r')
method2 = f.readlines()

Output: ['First line\n', 'Second line\n', 'Third line\n']

Writing Files

There are two operations that will write to a file. It’s vitally important to understand the difference between them:

f = open('data.txt', 'w')
The w option opens a file and immediately erases everything inside, before writing what the code is told to do later on. (i.e. overwrite)
f = open('data.txt', 'a')
The a option appends data to the bottom of the file without erasing that file’s contents.

Writing Files: Strings

Writing to a file is similar to reading. There’s an open operation, the write operation(s), and the close file operation.

f = open('file2.txt', 'w')
f.write('Line 1\nLine 2 is a little longer\nLine 3 is as well\n')
f.write('This is the 4th line\n')
f.write('Last line in file\n')

Notice that there are several write operations. When using the ‘w’ option in the open, the file only gets overwritten at that point. As the file is now open, you can continue to add lines and it won’t erase the previous ones you just added.

Writing Files: Lists

Only strings are accepted when writing to a file. You must convert any other object type to a string before starting the write operation. This includes extracting items from objects like lists or dictionaries.

my_number = 1000
my_list = [1,2,3,4,5]
f = open('file3.txt', 'w')
f.write(str(my_number) + '\n'
for num in my_list:
    f.write(str(num) + '\n')


An exception is a type of error that occurs during the run of a Python program. These are separate from syntax errors, which will prevent the script from running.

Often an exception is the best outcome: rather than doing something ambiguous, the Python interpreter is telling you that an unexpected result might occur. It forces you to be more specific in your instructions.

An Example You’ve Already Encountered

print('5' + 10)
Traceback (most recent call last)

# Field "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly

The exception here is caused by a mismatch in types. The “+” sign has different meaning when using integers vs. strings.

Are you expecting concatenation (510) or addition (15)?

Rather than do the wrong thing, Python forces you to make the choice, and add conversion to your code.

Error Handling

Up until now, you’ve mostly seen exceptions occur because of your code. But plenty of things can go wrong that have nothing to do with your code!

For example, what can go wrong with a file operation? The given filename could be wrong, you might not permission to open it, the drive might not be mounted, data might be corrupt, etc.

By implementing error handling, we can prevent these issues from causing worse errors down the line.

Error Handling Basics

Python exceptions tend to be cryptic and use technical language to describe a problem. Our error handling can be as simple as printing a more user-friendly message to tell the user what has occurred, and how they can fix the issue.

Handling an error is more than just customizing the exception message. You can create code that will run only if a specific error occurs, possibly allowing you to fix the problem on the fly.

Error Handling: Basics

    f = open('not_a_file.txt', 'r')
    print('This operation didn\'t work.')

In this statement, python will attempt the code in the try block. If any line of code in the try block fails, it will skip the rest of it and jump to the code in the except block.

This isn’t a great solution because the error message has no useful information. How will the user fix the problem?

Specify Exceptions

We can also test for exact errors, known as types, or concrete exceptions. Many are built-in to the interpreter. (Refer to the References slide for a list.)

    f = open('not_a_file.txt', 'r')
except FileNotFoundError:
    print('File not found! Please check your spelling and try again.')

In this statement, we will only enter the except block if the file is not found. This allows us to provide a more descriptive error message for the user.

Please note: unhandled exceptions will terminate the execution of your code. Using exception handling will allow the code to continue running, unless you specifically call something like exit().

What’s Wrong With This Code?

    f = open('not_a_file.txt', 'r')
    data = f.read()
except FileNotFoundError:
    print('File not found! Please check your spelling and try again.')

Hint: in what case will the last line of code fail?

Error Handling: Example Types

There are many built-in types. Here are a few examples:

  • NameError
  • IndexError
  • SyntaxError
  • TypeError
  • ValueError
  • ZeroDivisionError

It’s important to understand what the most common exception types are triggered by.

Error Handling: Type Hierarchy

Many types have sub-types. As you get more specific, it’s important to keep the type hierarchy in mind. Here’s an example:

+-- OSError
| +-- BlockingIOError
| +-- ChildProcessError
| +-- ConnectionError
| | +-- BrokenPipeError
| | +-- ConnectionAbortedError
| | +-- ConnectionRefusedError
| | +-- ConnectionResetError
| +-- FileExistsError
| +-- FileNotFoundError
| +-- InterruptedError
| +-- IsADirectoryError
| +-- NotADirectoryError
| +-- PermissionError
| +-- ProcessLookupError
| +-- TimeoutErrorOSError

Error Handling: Specific Vs. Bare Except

We can combine many except blocks, allowing us to cover specific errors, and then anything else. A bare except should always go last.

    f = open('data')
except FileNotFoundError:
    print('File not found.')
    print('Some other problem occurred...')

Error Handling: Specific To General

Just like a conditional statement, the first except that matches the error will be path you take, just as how the first condition in an if statement that returns true. Always start with most specific, and then go more general.

    f = open(abc, 'r')
    f.write('hello world\n')
except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError):
    print('file does not exist or wrong permissions')
except IsADirectoryError:
    print('file is a directory')
except OSError:
    print('unable to open file')
    print('unknown error occured')
