LAB 5: Lists, Determinate Loops, Command Line Interaction

Learning Outcomes

In this lab, you will:


In this lab we will introduce a new datatype, which contains many other pieces of data. Lists are the first type of iterable that we will discuss. Typically we use a new type of loop to iterate through lists: the for loop. This is a different type of loop, since we know beforehand how many times we will need to iterate. As you will see, using lists and loops allows us to work with a dynamic set of data.

5.1 Lists

Lists are a new datatype. In short, a list can contain a collection of things, under one variable name. A list can contain any combination of integers, floats, strings and even other lists.

my_list = []  # square brackets indicate that this is a list

my_list2 = [3, 3.14, [0, 1], 'potato']  # this list contains a combination of datatypes

Lists are particularly important when dealing with a collection of data, and we don’t know how long the list is going to be. Consider our last example using the while loop:

sum = 0
while True:
    user_input = input("Enter a number to add to your sum. Pressing Enter will exit. ")
    if user_input == "":
        sum += int(user_input)
print("Thank you for using summing calculator. The final sum was " + str(sum) + ".")

In this example, we only have sum, and we are re-calculating this every time we iterate the loop. The variable user_input is being overwritten each time we run the loop, so the actual user input is lost to us. However, by using a list with its built-in functions append() and sum(), we will be able to save each integer as a separate element.

user_numbers = []
while True:
    user_input = input("Enter a number to add to your sum. Pressing Enter will exit. ")
    if user_input == "":
print("Thank you for using summing calculator. The final sum was " + str(sum(user_numbers)) + ".")

Enter this code into VSCode and save the file as Run the code.

Let’s assume now that instead of summing, we need to return an average. This means we will need the sum of the numbers, but also the number of numbers. We could accomplish this using a counter inside our while loop, but let’s instead use the built-in function len().

if __name__ == "__main__":
    user_numbers = []
    while True:
        user_input = input("Enter a number to add to your sum. Pressing Enter will exit. ")
        if user_input == "":
    num_sum = sum(user_numbers)
    num_length = len(user_numbers)
    average = num_sum / num_length
    print(f"Total sum is: {num_sum}. Total count is: {num_length}. Average for this list is: {average}.")
    print("Thank you for using average calculator.")

Save this file as once again. On that second-to-last line, the f"" is important. This is a new Python tool called f-strings. It is slightly easier way of printing variables as it doesn’t need type coversion or + signs.

While f-strings are far easier to work with, we started off using the old way of printing because it was necessary to introduce the concept of datatype conversion. In the future, use whatever you like.

So lists have useful tools already built-in, but we have not yet covered ways of working with the individual elements of a list. We will cover two approaches now.

5.2 For Loops

While loops are useful when we don’t know, at run-time, how many times we are going to need to iterate. There exists another type of loop which is commonly used when we do know beforehand how many times we be iterating. This is called definite iteration, as opposed to indefinite iteration. The for loop is very often used with lists, for example.

animals = ['cat', 'tiger', 'gorilla', 'capybara']

for animal in animals:
    print(f"{animal} will make an excellent pet.")

Run this code and you will see:

cat will make an excellent pet.
tiger will make an excellent pet.
gorilla will make an excellent pet.
capybara will make an excellent pet.

When we start the program, Python ‘knows’ that there are four items in the animals list, and that the for loop will run four times.

There is a special variable called animal that contains the value of successive element in the list. You can think of it as an arrow pointing to wherever we are in the list:

^ animal

The next time we run through the loop, animal moves to the next item:

^ animal

…and so on.

animals, by the way, is called an iterable because we are able to iterate through it. Strings are also an iterable:

animal = 'gorilla'

for letter in animal:
    print(f"GIVE ME A {letter.upper()}!")
print(f"WHAT'S THAT SPELL? {animal.upper()}!!")

5.3 TASK: Summing a List Without a Builtin Function

5.4 Using Range for Looping

There are a few built-in functions that can create iterables for looping. You may need to generate a sequence of numbers. To do this, you can use range(). This works similar to random.randint, in that the sequence of numbers starts at the first value and ends just before the last value:

>>>> for i in range(1, 5):
>>>>     print(i)

Notice that the last value to be printed is not 5, but the value before it. You can also include another argument which will define the step for your range. In other words, are we incrementing by one, or by another value?

>>>> for i in range(1, 5, 2):  # start at 1, add 2 to each increment.
>>>>     print(i)

5.3 Indexes and Slicing

We have seen that you can iterate through a list using a for loop. The loop variable will first equal the first element, then the second element, and so on until it reaches the last element.

We can also access these values directly by specifying the index.

animals = ['cat', 'tiger', 'gorilla', 'capybara']

first_element = animal[0]
print(f"{first_element} comes before all others.")
cat comes before all others.

Indexes start at 0, meaning the value of first_element is “cat”. Enter this code into VSCode or your interpreter, and change the index.

With negative numbers, you can work from “right-to-left”, or from the last element to the first. This is useful when you don’t know how many elements you can expect beforehand.

last_element = animal[-1]

Finally, you can perform slices by specifying two numbers separated by a :. We can create a new list which is a subset of our original.

middle_boys = animals[1:-1]
['tiger', 'gorilla']

Note that the number before the : will indicate where to start the slice, and will be included in the subset. But the number after the : will indicate the first element to be excluded from the subset.

Finally, by including the : but omitting one of the numbers, the slice will include all of the rest.

slice1 = animals[2:]  # start at 'gorilla', continue to the end of the list
slice2 = animals[:2]  # start at beginning, continue until you reach 'gorilla'

Slicing also works with strings.

5.4 TASK: Every Second Animal

animals = ['snake', 'hamster', 'scorpion', 'beaver', 'mosquito', 'camel', 'vulture', 'horse', 'python', 'capybara' ]

5.5 Searching For Items Inside Lists

We can easily test to see if a list contains a particular item:

animals = ['snake', 'hamster', 'scorpion', 'beaver', 'mosquito', 'camel', 'vulture', 'horse', 'python', 'capybara' ]

if 'snail' in animals:
    print('snail found!')
    print('No snail found.')

This pattern can also be used in other iterables such as strings:

if 'i' in 'snail':
    print('The letter i is in this word.')

5.6 TASK: Word Game

Sample Output

I'm thinking of an animal. Can you guess what it is?
Enter a letter or a guess. Press enter to quit: kangaroo
Sorry, that's not it.
Enter a letter or a guess. Press enter to quit: a
Yes, my word contains that letter.
Enter a letter or a guess. Press enter to quit: z
Sorry, my word doesn't contain that letter.
Enter a letter or a guess. Press enter to quit: m
Yes, my word contains that letter.
Enter a letter or a guess. Press enter to quit: c
Yes, my word contains that letter.
Enter a letter or a guess. Press enter to quit: camel
You win!

5.7 Working With Command Line Arguments

So far we have been working with user prompts using the input() function. This is, however, not ideal in many cases. In order for a program to work with input(), you need to have a human user in front of the keyboard, entering the values manually at each prompt. Oftentimes we write scripts that can be run automatically on a schedule.

Consider an example: a small business needs to make backups on their web server. It does this late at night, when web traffic is low. The backup script needs to know a couple of things: what files to back up and where. Are you going to force an employee to wake up at 3AM in order to respond to the scripts prompts?

A much better solution is to use command line arguments. These are very similar to function arguments, in that we are defining different input for a similar set of instructions.

In your other courses, you have already learned about using command line applications, and most likely you have used different arguments with these applications already. This is how you copy a directory in Bash:

eric@Archie ~ $ cp -r ~/database /mnt/nfs/backups

The two filepaths ~/database and /mnt/nfs/backups are both arguments. We can use these arguments in our scripts by importing a module called sys.

import sys

print(f"The name of the file you are running is: {sys.argv[0]}.")

if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    print("No arguments found.")
    for arg in sys.argv[1:]:  # start from the second item in the list
        print(f"Argument found: {arg}.")

Sys.argv Explained

sys.argv is a list that contains the name of the current file, and then all arguments that were entered by the user. With command line arguments, we don’t need to rely on prompts to accomplish things. If the user has entered no arguments, then the length of the list is 1.

Longer lists mean that there are arguments. Always use an if statement to check the length of the list. If you try the access, for example, the second element in a list that’s only one element long, you will get an IndexError exception.

5.8 sys.exit

Using command line arguments is a common pattern in computer science, and users appreciate consistency when they are working with the tools that you create. As programmers we should strive to create tools that are intuitive and consistent with the habits and practices that our users are already used to. There is another habit that we should implement: that of the exit code.

Exit codes (again) are similar to return values in our functions. This is an integer that is returned by the program. Normal users don’t usually look at the exit code, but often they are used by other programs to see if a command succeeded or not. Your program should be returning an exit code whenever you think it’s going to be used as part of a greater workflow. Fortunately, it is very simple to implement.

The convention of exit codes are as follows:

Sometimes programmers can use specific numbers to indicate different types of errors. For us, however, it will be enough to return a 1 to indicate any type of error.

import sys

if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    print('Usage: Please enter an argument.')
    print('Thank you! Program succeeded.')

Much like the return instruction inside a function, when Python encounters sys.exit it will terminate the program on that line. This is a good way to stop running a program if something unexpected has occurred.

5.9 Using help() To Look ‘Under The Hood’

When you buy or rent a car, you don’t have to know everything that’s going on with the engine. As long as the gas pedal and the brake pedal are working, you can get around just fine. But some enthusiasts like to peek ‘under the hood’ to see what’s going on. Let’s do that now.

  1. Open up your Python Interpreter. We won’t be creating a script here, just interacting with the Python language. You can do this from the Command Prompt in Windows by typing python.
  2. Type the following: mystring = 'hello'.
  3. Type type(mystring).

Python will return the datatype of mystring, very useful when debugging TypeError issues. Let’s learn more about strings:

  1. Type help(str)
Help on class str in module builtins:

class str(object)
 |  str(object='') -> str
 |  str(bytes_or_buffer[, encoding[, errors]]) -> str
 |  Create a new string object from the given object. If encoding or
 |  errors is specified, then the object must expose a data buffer
 |  that will be decoded using the given encoding and error handler.
 |  Otherwise, returns the result of object.__str__() (if defined)
 |  or repr(object).
 |  encoding defaults to sys.getdefaultencoding().
 |  errors defaults to 'strict'.
 |  Methods defined here:

It’s not necessary to understand everything about encoding and buffers, we are more interested in learning about the methods contained in all string objects.

  1. Use the up/down arrow keys to scroll through the list of methods. The first bunch of methods are called dunders because they start and end with double-underscores. These are special methods used by the Python programming language and we won’t discuss these here. Scroll past the dunder methods and you will find useful methods:
 |  upper(self, /)
 |      Return a copy of the string converted to uppercase.
 |  zfill(self, width, /)
 |      Pad a numeric string with zeros on the left, to fill a field of the given width.
 |      The string is never truncated.

.upper() you are already familiar with. Make sure you understand the description. Take a moment to read some of the other method descriptions; often when trying to solve programming puzzles you can save time by seeing if there’s already a method for something you’re trying to do.

  1. When you are done, press q to exit out of the help document and return to the interpreter.

5.10 TASK: Average Calculator

Sample Output


Usage: Enter one or more command line arguments.

python 2 ten 17 39

Number found: 2.
Error: ten is not a number.
Number found: 17.
Number found: 39.
Average for 3 numbers: 19.3


You will probably want to use VSCode to test your code. To do this with command line arguments takes one extra step. Open (or create) your launch.json file.

You will see a default configuration like the one below:

    "name": "Python: Current File",
    "type": "python",
    "request": "launch",
    "program": "${file}",
    "console": "integratedTerminal"

We want to add another configuration that will include some sample arguments. We will use “args” to do this. Copy the default configuration, change the name and add “args” to the end. Please note the commas that I’ve added, these are needed.

    "name": "Python: Current File",
    "type": "python",
    "request": "launch",
    "program": "${file}",
    "console": "integratedTerminal"
    "name": "Python: Current File with args",
    "type": "python",
    "request": "launch",
    "program": "${file}",
    "console": "integratedTerminal",
    "args": ["2", "ten", "17", "39"]

Save the launch.json file and you should be able to select “current file with args” from the drop-down menu next to the run button.

CHALLENGE TASK: Word Game Improved

Sample Output

Your word:
_ _ _ _ _
Enter your guess: e
_ _ _ e _
Enter your guess: m
_ _ m e _
Enter your guess: a
_ a m e _
Enter your guess: camel
You win!


You can use the check script to check your work.
