Welcome to ULI101!

Eric Brauer


ULI101 - Introduction to Unix/Linux and the Internet

Course Intro

Use Blackboard:

Local ULI101 Website


This is where lecture notes will be posted.

General ULI101 Website


Good resource if you want a second perspective on what we discuss in class.

Other Resources

Course Policies: Remote

Course Policies

Course Policies II

So What is Linux, and why should you care?

Time for a History Lesson…

Here is a short video about the history of Linux

Why do we care about an operating system from the sixties?

Because Linux is everywhere

Linux Took Over the Web, Now it’s Taking Over the World

What Does the History of Linux Have to do with Course?

The way it is organized is different.

Some Terminology

A Terminal
A Terminal
Text input/output environment
Terminal Emulator
An application which simulates one of these old devices
Command line interpreter. The shell we will be using is called Bash.

A secure protocol that allows us to log into a machine remotely

This course is mostly about getting more comfortable with the Shell.

What is Linux?

Linux is actually a Kernel.

Call it Linux, or GNU/Linux, probably at this point it isn’t too interesting to you. Just be aware that in some corners of the Internet, the terminology is important.

What is a Kernel?

A diagram of a Kernel
A diagram of a Kernel

Kernel Summary

Steps to log into Matrix from the Lab

See the ULI101 Website

  1. (New for Fall) Install the Seneca VPN
  2. Install a terminal emulator of your choice.
  3. Enter matrix.senecacollege.ca for the host name, and click “Open.”
  4. If you see a dialog box about security, click ‘Yes.’
  5. When you see the text Login as:, enter your myseneca username. For example, ebrauer11. This is the same username you use to log into Blackboard. (Must be lowercase!)
  6. Enter your Blackboard password.
  7. If all is well, you should see a prompt that looks like this:

[eric.brauer@mtrx-node04pd ~]$

Commands Are What We Really Want You To Learn!

Once you are in Matrix/Knoppix, you can practice the following commands:

Next Steps.

  1. Login to: matrix.senecacollege.ca using your username and password.

  2. Type ~uli101/assign1 at the command prompt.

  3. Enter your correct section.