Lecture 8: Links, Processes, Aliases


If you run a touch command, such as:

touch test1 && ls -l test1

You get this:

-rw-r--r-- 1 eric eric 0 Oct 27 16:06 test1

Now we see that this file called test1 has a reported file size of 0, which makes sense. But let’s think about it for one second: if file size is zero, where does all this other information come from? For example: the permission level rw-r--r--, the user and group of eric eric and the date of the last modification.

It’s not a lie that the size of the file is zero, but it’s also true that there’s another place where we keep information related to the file. This is the concept of the inode. Inodes and the contents of a file are stored in separate places. Think of an MP3 file, for example. Most of the file content is compressed audio information. But the file also includes metadata: the name of the artist, track name, year it was published, etc. Now imagine if that metadata is stored separately from the audio content, but with an address to link the two together.

We can see this address using our ‘ls’ command.

ls -li cars


total 8
25826992 -rw-r--r-- 1 eric eric 447 Jul  6 16:22 cars

The -i option shows up the inode number for our files. When we partition a file system, we divide that file system into a certain number of blocks with an equal size. We also generate a fixed number of inodes to correspond to those data blocks. Once we are finished, we can’t change the number of inodes. Just like how you can run out of disk space, you can run out of available inodes and you won’t be able anymore new files.

There are several other resources on the Internet which are useful for trying to understand Inodes.

Inodes - an Introduction

theurbanpenguin - Understanding Inodes

Hard Links

We’ve actually been using hard links with every file and directory we’ve used so far. An inode will point to a location on the filesystem, and will contain important metadata about that file. But we humans prefer to give things names that make some sense to us. So we create links to each of these inodes, and these links have a human-friendly name that’s easier to use.

Hard Link –> Inode –> Data on Filesystem

Every file on your system has a hard link already. When all links to an inode are removed, the kernel will consider that part of the hard drive to be available for storage.

Let’s create a second hard link to cars:

ln cars link-to-cars

check again. notice link ## and same inode.

total 32K
29491882 drwxrwxr-x 2 eric eric 4.0K Jul  8 23:48 ./
29491880 drwxrwxr-x 4 eric eric 4.0K Jul  6 19:31 ../
25826992 -rw-rw-r-- 2 eric eric  447 Jul  6 16:22 cars
25826992 -rw-rw-r-- 2 eric eric  447 Jul  6 16:22 link-to-cars

Two things to notice: ‘1’ has interated up to ‘2’. This is the number of links to a file. Second, we can see that the inode ‘25826992’ is the same for both files links.

(Notice how easy it is to fall into our human pattern of thinking about things, we see a list of things on the screen, and we are very used to thinking of these things as ‘files.’ But they are links! There is still only one file here!)

ln link-to-cars another-link

total 40K
29491882 drwxrwxr-x 2 eric eric 4.0K Jul  8 23:51 ./
29491880 drwxrwxr-x 4 eric eric 4.0K Jul  6 19:31 ../
25826992 -rw-rw-r-- 3 eric eric  447 Jul  6 16:22 another-link
25826992 -rw-rw-r-- 3 eric eric  447 Jul  6 16:22 cars
25826992 -rw-rw-r-- 3 eric eric  447 Jul  6 16:22 link-to-cars

Now the number of links is 3. All three of these files links have the same inode. And another thing: they have the same timestamp, same permission, same metadata. And again, remember that the number of files in this location hasn’t changed!

How is it different from making a copy of a file?

cp cars copy-of-cars

total 48K
29491882 drwxrwxr-x 2 eric eric 4.0K Jul  8 23:56 ./
29491880 drwxrwxr-x 4 eric eric 4.0K Jul  6 19:31 ../
25826992 -rw-rw-r-- 3 eric eric  447 Jul  6 16:22 another-link
25826992 -rw-rw-r-- 3 eric eric  447 Jul  6 16:22 cars
29492005 -rw-r--r-- 1 eric eric  447 Jul  8 23:56 copy-of-cars
25826992 -rw-rw-r-- 3 eric eric  447 Jul  6 16:22 link-to-cars

So, the copy has a different inode and a different timestamp, and we know from experience that if we make edits to ‘copy of cars’, we will not see those changes in ‘cars’ or any of those other files links.

What do you think will happen if we make a change to ‘link-to-cars?’ vi link-to-cars

1 plym    fury    77      73      2500
2 chevy   nova    79      60      3000
3 ford    mustang 65      45      17000
4 volvo   gl      78      102     9850
5 ford    ltd     83      15      10500
6 Chevy   nova    80      50      3500
7 fiat    600     65      115     450
8 honda   accord  81      30      6000
9 ford    thundbd 84      10      17000
10 toyota  tercel  82      180     750
11 chevy   impala  65      85      1550
12 ferd    bronco  83      25      9525

So, I changed the last line (12) of the file to say ‘ferd’ instead of ‘ford.’

cat another-link

plym    fury    77      73      2500
chevy   nova    79      60      3000
ford    mustang 65      45      17000
volvo   gl      78      102     9850
ford    ltd     83      15      10500
Chevy   nova    80      50      3500
fiat    600     65      115     450
honda   accord  81      30      6000
ford    thundbd 84      10      17000
toyota  tercel  82      180     750
chevy   impala  65      85      1550
ferd    bronco  83      25      9525

Remember: We are looking at the same data, which has the same inode pointing to it. We just used a different link to find that inode.

What happens when we remove the original file?

rm cars

total 40K
29491882 drwxrwxr-x 2 eric eric 4.0K Jul  9 00:12 ./
29491880 drwxrwxr-x 4 eric eric 4.0K Jul  6 19:31 ../
25826992 -rw-rw-r-- 2 eric eric  447 Jul  6 16:22 another-link
29492005 -rw-r--r-- 1 eric eric  447 Jul  8 23:56 copy-of-cars
25826992 -rw-rw-r-- 2 eric eric  447 Jul  6 16:22 link-to-cars

The number of links is now 2. But I can still open ‘copy-of-cars’ or ‘another-link’ to see the same data. What will take it lose this data?

rm link-to-cars another-link

29491882 drwxrwxr-x 2 eric eric 4.0K Jul  9 00:12 ./
29491880 drwxrwxr-x 4 eric eric 4.0K Jul  6 19:31 ../
29492005 -rw-r--r-- 1 eric eric  447 Jul  8 23:56 copy-of-cars

At this point, all links to that original data have been removed. The kernel will note this, and will assume that…

free real estate

What does this mean? The data might still accessible, as long as it doesn’t get overwritten by anything else. This is why data recovery is sometimes still possible for data that has been ‘deleted.’

To clean up, let’s restore cars from our copy: mv copy-of-cars cars

Symbolic Links

Hard links point to an inode, and will point you to the data even if the original link is removed. Symbolic act more like hyperlinks. Consider that image above… all I had to do to add it to the document was to type in a URL. > https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/021/311/free.jpg

That creates a link to the image which sits on a server somewhere, and it isn’t mine. I’m not spending any money to store that file on a server, but I’m hoping that the file will exist there for as long as this document stays relevant. But if that image gets moved or deleted, my hyperlink will look like this:

A broken link

This should give you an idea about the advantages and drawbacks of symbolic links. They are cheap (they don’t take up space) but fragile (they can be easily broken). They are a great way to create shortcuts on your filesystem.

cd sample_dir1/sample_dir
$ tree -C ## keep the colour!
└── sample_dir
    ├── admin
    ├── cambridge
    │   ├── cafeteria
    │   └── library
    │       └── dir_practice
    ├── faculty
    ├── history.exe
    ├── markham
    │   ├── annex
    │   ├── annex2
    │   ├── building1
    │   └── parking
    ├── outline.doc
    ├── oxford
    │   ├── outline.doc
    │   ├── programming
    │   │   └── report.pdf
    │   └── security
    └── stenton
        ├── gen_ed
        │   └── cars
        ├── lib_arts
        │   ├── english.txt
        │   └── match.doc
        └── parking2

13 directories, 13 files

in your assignment, you are asked to run many commands on ‘cars’ from ‘sample_dir1.’ It gets tiring to keep having to type stenton/gen_ed/cars..

ln -s sample_dir/stenton/gen_ed/cars car-shortcut

total 24K
drwxrwxr-x 3 eric eric 4.0K Jul  9 00:37 ./
drwxr-xr-x 3 eric eric 4.0K Jul  8 22:21 ../
lrwxrwxrwx 1 eric eric   30 Jul  9 00:37 car-shortcut -> sample_dir/stenton/gen_ed/cars
drwxrwxr-x 8 eric eric 4.0K Jul  6 19:31 sample_dir/

The ‘l’ in permissions tells us this is a symbolic link. But also we can see where it’s pointing directly from ls -l.

cat car-shortcut

plym    fury    77      73      2500
chevy   nova    79      60      3000
ford    mustang 65      45      17000
volvo   gl      78      102     9850
ford    ltd     83      15      10500
Chevy   nova    80      50      3500
fiat    600     65      115     450
honda   accord  81      30      6000
ford    thundbd 84      10      17000
toyota  tercel  82      180     750
chevy   impala  65      85      1550
ford    bronco  83      25      9525

Our cat command is redirected to the file in sample_dir/stenton/gen_ed.

What happens if that file gets moved or deleted?

mv sample_dir/stenton/gen_ed/cars sample_dir/stenton/gen_ed/cars.old

cat: cars: No such file or directory

We now have a broken link.

Directory Links

In Linux, directories are actually just a special kind of file. So links should work the same way, right?

ln sample_dir/stenton/gen_ed/ gen_ed-link

ln: sample_dir/stenton/gen_ed: hard link not allowed for directory

To create hard links for directories, you need root privileges, unfortunately. But symbolic links work fine:

ln -s sample_dir/stenton/gen_ed/ gen_ed-link

total 24K
drwxrwxr-x 3 eric eric 4.0K Jul  9 00:51 ./
drwxr-xr-x 3 eric eric 4.0K Jul  8 22:21 ../
lrwxrwxrwx 1 eric eric   30 Jul  9 00:37 cars -> sample_dir/stenton/gen_ed/cars
lrwxrwxrwx 1 eric eric   25 Jul  9 00:51 gen_ed-link -> sample_dir/stenton/gen_ed/
drwxrwxr-x 8 eric eric 4.0K Jul  6 19:31 sample_dir/

Symbolic links can be very useful for fixing broken dependencies. For example, an application might be expecting to find a certain configuration file or other software in the wrong location. But you’re system might be maintaining that file elsewhere. By creating a symbolic link, you can satisfy the broken dependencies easily.


notice that I like to use ll instead of ls… this is purely personal preference. I like being able to see timestamps and other information quickly. What is ll?

ll does the same thing as ls -l. It lists files one per line with all details. ll is not a separate program. If you look in ‘/bin’, you will find the programm ls but not ll. ll is an alias of ls. This means that ll=‘ls -l’. And that’s exactly how we can type it in:

alias ll='ls -l'

Keep in mind that we haven’t made this alias persistent yet. If we log out, the next time we log in to Matrix that alias will be lost. We’ll get to making things persistent in a bit.


In Linux, everything gets a number. We have Inodes, User IDs, Group IDs, and so on. It only makes sense, then, that we’d also be numbering the processes that are running on our system.

A process, put simply, is the execution of a piece of code. It takes up space in memory, and is performing something useful (usually!). It’s a little bit different from a program, though. For example, if you open up a browser, you might see many processes in your list. For most browsers, every tab you have open will be running in a separate process.

When you start a computer, it will go through a POST stage where hardware is checked. From there, you get to a bootloader. If you have many Operating Systems installed, this is where you will be given a screen to choose which Operating System to use. From there, the Linux kernel is started. And the kernel will start a ‘System and Service Manager.’ This manager is responsibe for scheduling, basically allocating CPU time to many different processes. On most modern systems, this is Systemd and it will always have a process ID of 1. It is the parent of all other processes.

Try this: ps - This will show you a list of processes running in this shell window only.

7163 pts/12   00:00:00 ps
57666 pts/12   00:00:00 bash

Note: This will make sense later on, but you can also use echo $$ to print your shell’s process ID number.

This is fine, but what we really want is to look at all the running processes, not just local ones.

To get a different picture, try this:

ps -ef this will show you all processes. This is set with the -a flag. What is -x for? Don’t worry about it, it’s handling a legacy edge-case, basically.

ps -ef returns a huge list. How big?

ps -ef | wc -l


164 lines on Matrix. It’s easier to grep for something: ps -ef | grep sshd

Try it out, it gives you a list of users logged in with SSH.

ps afux

This is going to give a list of all processes, and will show you parent/child relationships. This is usually easier to see from top though.

ps -U <username>

This is to see processes connected to a certain user.

There are two common ways to see processes in Linux. ps will spit out a list of running processes and then exit. top or htop will keep running, and you can watch your processes running in real-time htop is slightly easier to read than top, because it adds colour and some graphical elements, but it isn’t installed on Matrix (and you don’t permission to install it!) so it’s usually safer to use top.

To learn more about Top, this video is a decent primer.

Killing Processes

Seeing a list of processes is educational, but really you’ll usually be looking at processes if something has gone wrong. For example, to diagnose a memory leak, you might want to monitor top to see which process is using the most memory. Or you might be looking for zombie processes. (We’re not going to cover zombies in this course).

If you think a process is misbehaving, you will have to kill it. There are two ways to do so: - Send a TERMINATE Signal (15). This is safe, but you will lose unsaved data. - Send a KILL Signal (9). This could cause system instability, and should only be a last resort.

By default, these commands use the TERMINATE signal. To kill from the command line, we can use ps -ef | grep <application> to find the PID. Then:

kill <pid>


pkill <application name>

This will kill all processes of that application, so use PIDs to be more specific.

There’s one more command you might find useful. If you are using Linux with a GUI, you can often use xkill to click on a misbehaving window with the mouse.


Let’s say you are running a command that will take a long time to complete: grep -r 'foo' / > foo.log 2> error.log

This command is going to look for ‘foo’ in every single file in the filesystem. This could take minutes, and we don’t want to stare at an empty terminal that we can’t interact with.

This is where jobs come in handy. First we suspend the process: ctrl-z

[1]+  Stopped                 grep --color=auto -r 'foo' / > foo.log 2> error.log

Then type in bg to put it in the background.

[1]+ grep --color=auto -r 'foo' / > foo.log 2> error.log &

If you ll foo you will be able to see the file growing. The job is still running. You can also bype in jobs

[1]+  Running                 grep --color=auto -r 'foo' / > foo.log 2> error.log &

Let’s do top again.


what does that do?

[1]-  Running                 grep --color=auto -r 'foo' / > foo.log 2> error.log &
[2]+  Stopped                 top

Use fg plus a job number to bring that job back up. fg 2 You should see top come back up. Remember: processes and jobs are not the same thing. Jobs are a way that we can multitask from a command line. One more thing: If you enter a command and end it with &, that command will run in the background. It does the same thing as Ctrl+z and bg.
